Seven Questions for Ashley Graham

Greetings, Earthlings! It's Monday and time once again to lure an unsuspecting writer to my blog to grill them with my #SevenQuestions. Ashley Graham is currently buried in edits for her debut novel, All The Stars Left Behind, which will be released in 2018 by Entangled Teen . You can follow Ashley by checking out the links below. But first...the questions... 1 - Which actor/actress would you love to see play your characters in a movie adaptation? Kristofer Hivju is exactly who I pictured for ALL THE STARS LEFT BEHIND's Uncle Arne. I saw him as Tormund Giantsbane in GoT and it was this instant...AHA! YES! And Mads Sjøgård Pettersen is Roar Bakke exactly! For Leda, my kick ass heroine, someone like Taapsee Pannu would be perfect! 2 - Leather or lace? Being a vegan, leather is out for me lol! Lace is kind of scratchy, but if it's over a top of a satiny texture, bring it on! 3 - What is your biggest phobia? Don't laugh.... My biggest phobia is people not lik...