Blogging from A to Z: H is for...Helicopters

After the boffins discovered dinosaur juice, henceforth referred to as oil, locked away beneath the North Sea, they realized to get it out, and into cars, they'd need big drills. And the drills would have to be fixed in place on some sort of...rig. And to operate the rigs they'd need dudes in hardhats. Dinosaur juice zones between Scotland (bottom left) and Norway But, how to get those dudes to the rigs to operate the drills? Since science wasn't smart enough to bio-engineer giant flying transport creatures, it fell upon the helicopter companies. My dad worked for almost twenty years for British Airways Helicopters (later bought by British International Helicopters and then CHC Helicopters) and it was thanks to him I got to fly a Sikorsky S61N. An actual British Airways Helicopters S61 Okay, that's not completely true. My dad was contracts manager and not a pilot, but he did manage to swing me some time in the S61 simulator, alongside an actual pilot. ...