Seven Questions for Trina Gunzel

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed there was no #SevenQuestions last week. A small dose of the plague, and Halloween ghostliness, drained all my energy. However, I'm back, stronger and little less plaguey than before, and I bring you a FIRST for my blog.

Trina Gunzel is today's answerer of the #SevenQuestions and she's predominantly a NON-FICTION writer! Never had a non-fiction writer on here before. I didn't know how to conduct myself. I hope she wasn't too terrified answering my barrage of questions. Anyway, Trina was kind enough to stop by and join in the fun so...take it away Trina!

1. If you could swap places with someone for a day...who? and why?

I tend to write family keepsake boooks, children's books and educational resources, so the first thing that popped into my head with this question wasTinkerbell. Why? My nickname has been Tinkerbell since I was little and what's not to like? Being able to fly around dressed all cutesy with sparkles and a sassy attitude fixing things...sounds like a magical dream come true to me! I love to travel and would love to be able to help more people as quickly as possible with things that really matter and would make a big difference in their life.

2. Leather or lace?

Oh, it's lace for me. Beautiful, elegant, sheer...gorgeous, fun! And...that's all I'm going to share about that.

3. Who would play you in a movie version of your life.

Well, because I've been teased about this, I'm going to go with June Cleaver. Yes, I make cutesy things for my kids, yes, sometimes I wear an apron baking with my daughter, yes, I like to decorate for holidays and have dinner made and ready for my family every night...Although...I feel more like Jlo or Salma Hayek in modern times. I have a fun, spunky, sassy attitude, a great sense of humor, love to love on those I care about and will go to bat for my friends and family. I can work really hard and also love to doll up all "beautified" for big events. I also love to write songs, dance, and cook, so a combination of those three women would be perfect. LOL!

4. If you weren't able to write, how would your creativity manifest itself?

I am an author/illustrator so my creativity would manifest itself in artwork. Sometimes I like to create an entire story with only the art pieces, then go back and write the story. I also enjoy variety so whatever is messy and allows me to be creative, I would use: oil pastels, acryllics, pencil, pen, chalk, charcoal, watercolors...just let me paint or draw and I'm happy. I can always be found with a sketchbook and pencil, just in case I have an artistic outlet emergency. Doodling does wonders for me!

5. Are you scared of running out of ideas?

This question made me laugh! I have a lot of curly hair and have been said that is because I have so many ideas just trying to get out. A lack of ideas has never been my problem. There are piles of notebooks in my home with story starts and art pieces sketched out. I just need to get them all to print and out to readers! I'm excited to have my third published book coming out soon and the second one in my family keepsake series of twelve children's books in the pre launch publicity faze. I have a heart for families and after this sweet side of books, want to do a sassy side, too. As long as there is life, nature, and experiences, I will have ideas.

6. Which writer has influenced you most?

I would have to say Jan Brett has influenced me most. She is a very famous children's book Author/Illustrator. She sent a wonderful packet (well, her publisher did) when I was teaching full time and we couldn't book her because she was so busy on tour. I remember thinking, I'm going to do that someday! I was able to see her in person when she toured through Springfield, Missouri and saw her do an illustration example in person. I have so much to offer with my degrees in education, over ten years teaching experience, and seventeen years working as an educational consultant, I write to encourage and inspire individuals and especially families. Writing has always been such a joy to me and something I absolutely love doing.

7. One piece of advice for new writers?

The best advice someone ever gave me was to continue writing and submitting to publishers until my rejection letters papered the walls of a room. Before every space on the walls are covered, you will be published. I allowed fear of not being published to hold me back for too long. As soon as I put together an organized plan, self published two books, and had all of my social media channels up and running, I was signed by a wonderful publishing company for my third book. If you put the effort and time in, you will reach any writing goals you set for yourself. Just do it!

Thanks again for including me Gareth! (Gus) That was fun!

Here's my links:

Trina Licavoli Gunzel

My Author Facebook Page:

My Twitter Page:

My Blog Links:


My Webpage: (resources, signed books for sale, additional blog)

Amazon Author Page:



  1. Trina Gunzel seems like a cool Lady. Cool answers. Particularly like the advice to keep writing. Right up there with the harder you work, the luckier you get. So git writing Gus. We is waiting!


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