Seven Questions for Shay West

Don't say you don't get high quality guests on my blog. This week we have a DOCTOR in the house. Not satisfied with just being Dr West, Shay is also a writer and she kindly agreed to stop by and answer my decidedly undoctorly questions. Please check out her social media and book links below. Now, over to the Doctor... 1 - If you could swap places with someone for a day...who? and why? I’d love to switch places with Taylor Swift just to see what it would be like to have unlimited money to travel and to be on stage singing to thousands of adoring fans! 2 - Leather or lace? I own a corset that is both of these... 3 - Who would play YOU in a movie version of your life? I would love to have Emma Stone play me in a movie. She is spunky, hilarious, and super good at karaoke! 4 - If you won $100 million on the lottery would you still write? Absolutely! I’d still probably keep my day job too (biology professor) 5 - Can you just sit down and write or do certain things:...