Flash fiction

Howdy amigos! 

Very soon, I should be posting some regular updates to my blog. I have more interviews on the way and I'll be blethering about movies quite a bit. First though, I'd like to mention a new Flash Fiction contest being hosted by Regina West over on her blog called Flash In The Pen. (Catchy title, no?)

FlashPen Logo

I've been struggling to write new stuff lately, getting caught up in the never ending cycle of editing, so I decided to have a go and write 500 words. Head on over, check out the entry by @SpartaGus and let me know what you think. And, by all means, join in. The more the merrier.

That's all for now. I'll let you know if I place in the contest.

Check back soon for more.


I'm shocked and surprised! Despite very stiff competition I managed to snag 3rd Place. WOOT! And I get a shiny little medal for placing...

Very happy about placing. Congratulations to all who took part. If you want to go read the entries check out the link here:



  1. Thank you, Gareth! I loved your entry for the contest. Don't drown in edits, because we need your next book. :-)

  2. Really enjoyed your story, the end totally stunned me, brilliant :)

  3. Congrats, Gareth! I enjoyed your story! Loved that the germs might be laughing ;) Sammich!!

  4. Gina - I need my next book. Hopefully, I'll get started soon.

    Laura - thank you! I enjoyed your entry too. I didn't expect to place, the competition was strong.

    Karen - Thank you! Sammich indeed. And of course the germs were laughing, they be germs, yo!


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