I ROOL!! (and 7 other random factoids...)

Okay, I don't really rule but I am the recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award (see picture above for further proof). I'll admit, I didn't enter any competitions to win this award and I wasn't the sole recipient (surely an error...ahem) however, I've very grateful to have received it and my thanks go to a wonderful new friend I made on Twitter: Angela Goff who runs the Anonymous Legacy blog.

Now apparently there are some rules I'm bound to now that I've greedily accepted this award, and the associated adulation...don't worry I'll wait for the adulation.

Here are the rules:

1. In a post on your, blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award.
2. In the same post, Add the Versatile Blogger Award.
3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

Seems straightforward enough.

So, I must choose fifteen lucky winners myself now and it seems only right that I should choose fifteen lovely women (well, they say they're women but it is the internet and you never know nowadays, they could all be hulking, sweaty man-beasts who have nothing better to do than pretend to be female writers.)

Kidding. (I hope)

My nominations:

Erica Lucke Dean

Lela Gwenn

Valerie Haight

Dionne Lister

Cinta Garcia

Marjorie F Baldwin

KT Simpson

Tricia Kristufek

Krystal Wade

Karen DeLabar

MJ Kane

Andrea Parker

Mari Stroud

Harley May

And sending the love right back to Angela Goff

It would be well worth your while checking out these blogs since they're filled with great writing, incite, snark, intelligence, grace, occasional flurries of obscenity, wit, candor and sometimes tattoos. (All of these things do not apply to all blogs, all of the time or some of the blogs, some of the time.)

And so to finish this post I have to list 7 random facts about myself.

1 - I have a Tickle-Me-Elmo
2 - I am almost 39 years old.
3 - The Tickle-Me-Elmo was a joke. I mean to say, I wasn't lying about it, I do own one, however, it was given to me as a joke. My wife has a weird sense of humor. (Consider that a freebie fact.)
4 - I play bass guitar.
5 - I don't play bass guitar very well.
6 - My favorite actress is Cate Blanchett
7 - I will not go spelunking for any reason whatsoever.

Hope that helps.



  1. Awesome! Thanks for the nod SpartaGus!

  2. Thanks for choosing me as one of the 15 Chosen Ones!!! And you can rest peacefully... I am a woman, yeah, a real one LOL

  3. Gus,
    Obviously my favorite part about these awards is the 7 fun facts. I enjoyed yours, however, you outdid yourself on #4 and 5 and then totally cheated us by omitting your fear of eyeballs.

    Thanks VERY much for the shout out and for deeming us worthy of your noble Spartan time and attention.

    ~hulking, sweaty man-beast

  4. Love your 7 facts. Laughed all the way through! You are a doll my friend...perhaps a red, furry one? ;-) Thank you for the award!

  5. Thank you all for playing along. It's all Angela Goff's fault. She made me do it.

    @ Tricia, you're very welcome.
    @ Cinta, I never doubted it for a second!
    @ Valerie, I'm not scared of eyeballs, just of things being poked at them and seeing them bulging out as if they're ready to pop out of the skull or...okay yeah, I'm scared of eyeballs. I wanted to be fresh and original. Eyeballs is old news.
    @ Krystal, thank you...maybe my wife thought I was a muppet? Or perhaps its because I can do Elmo's voice...

    ...maybe I'll talk about that another time.

  6. Thank you for the award! People tell me I'm versatile all the time (no they don't). :)

    It is very kind of you to pass the love along.

  7. @ Harley May - You're welcome and good luck with your Year of Living Scary. I'm awed that you are pursuing Stand-up comedy. That's a tough gig. Good luck!

  8. I am honored to be selected for nomination! It looks like wearing that straight jacket is worth all the discomfort! LOL! For the record, my hubby and four kids will happily attest to the fact that I am indeed a woman. If not, the yearly visits to the gynecologist have been a scam...not to mention a complete rip off! LMAO!


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